Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Expressions Opinions

1. Smoking in public places
I think that not good idea : because smoking make polutions and smoking is harmful to healthFree 

2. University education
I agree with that : because it is very helpful for those who are poor in order to continue their education

3. Free high school education
I’m  absolutely agree with that : it was very good because then the people of Indonesia there is nothing much that can be stupid and school

4. Free trade
I think that not god : Free trade make Local traders are not able to compete with imported goods

5. High taxes on tobacco
I think not good idea : because for addicts nonetheless they will buy cigarettes because they're addicted to it, it would be nice they banned the sale

6. High taxes on alcohol
I think not good idea : High taxes will make like alcohol lovers still buy them because they are infatuated with alcohol

7. High taxes on import
I think that good idea : high taxes makes countries exporting goods to Indonesia declined due to unfavorable for them

8. Smaller classes
I think that is very good idea : because with so teachers can focus on teaching and his students will not be noisy and also can focus on listening

9. Paying teacher more
I’m not sure : teachers must be able to make his students to be smart, but now many are only takes teacher salaries and irresponsible

10. Paying politicians more
I’m not sure : so politicians will continue infatuated with money, should be made law is hard for politicians

11. Giving money to the poor
I agree with that : we as humans have to share, especially to the poor people

12. Giving food to the poor
I think that good : giving food to the poor make him happy and so they can eat and not starve anymore

13. Mandatory military service
I think that very good : because so we have a generation that state ready for emergencies against another country

14. Woman’s mandatory service
I think that good : because women can help countries in the Indonesian military and Indonesian women strong and able to fight crime

15. Giving home to homeless
I agree with that : it would be very helpful for those who have a deficiency, it is suggested we could help them with one of them giving the home

16. Free medicine
I think that is good : because many people are less able to pay for treatment

17. Free public transportation
I very agree : because it will make the streets are not jammed and also pollution to be a bit like in Japan and Singapore

18. Raising the drinking age to 25
I think that good : it will make people who can not drink underage but should be tightened rules

19. Raising the driving age to 25
I think that good : because the person who was driving it must have the responsibility and children under age will be not to driving

20. Lowering the voting age to 15
I think that a good idea : because teenagers were also entitled to vote

21. Lowering the smoking age to 15
I think that not good : because children can’t smoking in that age, children will contaminated and make him dead
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